Emergency Planning Business Resources
Businesses must deal with many risks and hazards. They can be natural, health, human-caused, or technology hazards. Any of these can cause a business to change the way they operate or even close for a time. Knowing how your agency will adapt is crucial and begins with general guidance on multiple ideas:
What are your risks and impacts?
How do you handle those risks and continue operations?
What is our recovery process?
For more information:
Business Continuity Plan | Ready.Gov
National Business Emergency Operations Center
Materials developed by FEMA. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or FEMA. Material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.
Materials developed by FEMA, IBHS, and Ready.gov. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. Government, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, FEMA, IBHS, or Ready.gov. Material is otherwise available on the agency website for no charge.